Barbara Carcone Schintu
Born in 1984, MD Political Science – International Relations, I have been regularly registered with the Italian Order of Journalists since 2007 as a publicist. After having worked in Rome for a leading company in media analysis (Data Stampa) as an analyst and acquirer for audio-video reviews, in 2016, together with my husband we decided to reset and move to the Mediterranean Island of Sardinia and raise our four kids.
Here I carried out a collaboration with L’Unione Sarda newspaper since 2017 for a few years as an area correspondent.
At the same time I attended the Nuoro Reading School – for reading and creative writing at UniNuoro, enriching my cultural background and acquiring more specific skills in the editing/publishing field.
Troughout the years, I carried out editing and proofreading activities, text writing, social media management and corporate communication.
During the covid two-year period I wrote about life in Sardinia and my pieces have been published in Next Avenue, Forbes, Bloomberg, and I deepened my interest about longevity and the Blue Zones – on which I also propose cultural workshops for tourists.
Recently (2023-2024) I approached to teaching and started giving italian language lesson to foreigners and developing a mini-course in media literacy to raise awareness among lower secondary school children about the conscious use of the internet (with particular focus on fake news and fact checking).
We slowed down, down shifted, focused on family and simple healthy living. This requires a bit of sacrifice, but we can say after a few years living here that our lives have deeply improved and we keep studying and learning new things.
I’ve spent the last years digging into the topic of longevity and Blue Zones – on which I offer cultural workshops for tourists and pasta-making classes in English – expanding my activity as a journalist with that of digital media manager and corporate communication consultant.
As a family, we particularly love travel, journeying, experiential tourism and, generally adventure. A part of our focus is on the Island of Sardinia and its people as well, because we want to share with everyone the complexity of the history, the beauty of the landscape and the gastronomical treasures it hides.
Elia Schintu
Born and raised in Venezuela to Italian parents, as a child I lived in an international context, studying in English and Spanish. Pursuing the dream to become a diplomat I achievied an MD in International Relations in Rome but my life took a turn when I decided to focus on family and moved to the Mediterranean Island of Sardinia. Here we down shifted, slowed down and currently much time in nature. Reinventing my working life I now developed an audio studio for voice over and narrator for audiobooks, in order to work on remote and invest more time with my four kids and travel.
One of my greatest strengths is my quiet authoritative voice in my three main languages. I’m constantly working to improve and expand my skillset, allowing me to excel in different genres.
While I’m comfortable working in various types of voice over, my specialties are bed time stories, narrative and conversational, character and corporate, educational, video game.